Marketing Fee to Contractor:
Premium $1 – $999 would generate a $25 Marketing Fee
Premium $1000 – $2999 would generate a $50 Marketing Fee
Premium from $3000 and above would receive a $100 Marketing Fee
ALL Marketing fees will be paid out Weekly every Friday via PAYPAL, VENMO, ZELLE, CASH APP. Please provide your info to properly pay the Marketing fee.
A referral form will be provided to you for each of the services provided by JJIA. Your instructions are to fill the form out completely and faxed to 713-270-1300 or email the form to , or call into our office at 713-270-0073 and speak to an agent in the correct dept.
JJIA will communicate with your referral with 3hours of receiving your email or fax. If your referral form is received after 3pm your referral will be contacted by 11:30am on the next business day.